As we all know, this year has been one of many transitions, and one that has presented with many challenges. There have also been some wonderful moments of connection, learning and resiliency. The Child Mind Institute published an article which discusses a concern many might have- will our kids be able to bounce back from the COVID crisis? In short, the answer is yes. 

The article is linked below, but we wanted to highlight some major points from the article: 

-“The event itself doesn’t define whether or not something is traumatic...It really depends on the child’s interpretation of the ‘threat’.” 

  1. For some people, the pandemic is a significant stressor, while for others it is a true traumatic event. 

-How Can We Help Our Children Bounce Back: 

  1. Adjust expectations

  2. Empathize with their feelings 

  3. Take a step back 

  4. Find opportunities for practice 

  5. Don’t sweat the rest. 

One important suggestion that is not explicitly listed by the article, but that research has shown can make a true difference in how children cope, is connection with a trusted adult. Spend time simply connecting- whether that’s playing, going for a walk, reading a book together- with your child(ren). 

Link to Full Article: “Will My Child Bounce Back From the Coronavirus Crisis?”: